Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Seasonal Allergies?! Try this all-natural solution!

The first day of spring, beautiful flowers blossoming, birds chirping, and the rain pouring and with that comes a major annoyance yellow-green dusting of  pollen , some say eating honey containing local pollen is a natural way to fight allergies.
This time of year, beekeepers get lots of requests for their honey from people wanting relief from itchy eyes and stuffy noses caused by springtime allergies(Rhinitis) better known as seasonal allergies.
The theory is bees, in addition to collecting nectar, also collect pollen. Since locally-produced honey contains that pollen to which local people are allergic, eating the sticky sweet substance decreases their sensitivity and you build a resistance to the yellow powder.
People who advocate this treatment say for it to work you have to buy honey that's local, raw and unfiltered which can be found at your local farmer's market.
Alternative: Try 1 drop honey -10 drops of water mix, drop into the eyes to coat the sinus cavities