Thursday, August 18, 2011

Skinny Fiber? What's That?

What is Skinny Fiber?

skinny fiber capsulesSkinny Fiber is a weight loss supplement from the Skinny Body Care company. The product comes in capsule form and comprised of all natural, plant based ingredients. It is recommended that Skinny Fiber be taken before your largest meals of the day (typically lunch and dinner).  The directions indicate that 2 capsules should be taken with at least 8 ounces of water (or other fluid) 30 minutes before meals.

How does Skinny Fiber Work?

Skinny Fiber has a unique blend of ingredients that expands 50x its size in your stomach, which helps trigger your brain to make you feel full and reduce your cravings. By making you feel full faster, it  allows you to eat less during mealtimes.  The result of eating less food at each meal is fewer calories  are ingested which helps to create a caloric deficit, allowing you to lose pounds.

Eat Less = Less Calories = Weight Loss

  • Suppress Your Appetite

  • Reduce Fat Absorption

  • Improve Blood Sugar Imbalances

  • Burn More Fat

  • Boost Metabolism

  • Block New Fat Formation

  • Reduce Cellulite

  • Promote Bowel Elimination

  • Better Absorb Vitamins and Minerals

  • Digest Cholesterol and Triglycerides in the Blood